News of the world

This blog is in the first case meant for myself so I don't forget interesting stuff. So you will find lots of useless topics, but there will certainly be also readings that might interest you. Lots of the items will go about my family, things we do or don't do but also about software, cars, gadgets, music, etc ... .

8 dec 2006

PSP GPS Hardware Ships, Software to Follow? - Gizmodo

At last, the GPS for the PSP has arrived, at least the hardware now we only have to wait for the software. I cannot wait for games that can be actually played on the streets. Imagine you have a shooter game you can play in multiplayer mode. On your PSP you can see your enemies on a map of the real world. You can now use the GPS to search for them and then use your PSP controller to blast them away to kingdom come in real life.


Link to PSP GPS Hardware Ships, Software to Follow? - Gizmodo