News of the world

This blog is in the first case meant for myself so I don't forget interesting stuff. So you will find lots of useless topics, but there will certainly be also readings that might interest you. Lots of the items will go about my family, things we do or don't do but also about software, cars, gadgets, music, etc ... .

15 feb 2008

Tagging experiment

Zin om even mee te doen aan een wetenschappelijk onderzoek i.v.m. het taggen van websites? Dat kan, het Centrum voor Usability Onderzoek van de universiteit van Leuven heeft een experiment klaargestoomd waar jullie aan kunnen deelnemen.

Zie hieronder het originele bericht dat ik van hen ontvangen heb.

We would like to ask for your participation in a scientific experiment performed by the Centre for Usability Research located at the University of Leuven (Belgium).

In this experiment we are interested in how people tag online content like websites, photos etc.

For participating in this research you just need to open the following link :

The experiment will take 20min of your time. In change for your effort and contribution to science you'll make a chance to win a gift (randomly selected from all participants).

Iedereen meedoen!
