News of the world

This blog is in the first case meant for myself so I don't forget interesting stuff. So you will find lots of useless topics, but there will certainly be also readings that might interest you. Lots of the items will go about my family, things we do or don't do but also about software, cars, gadgets, music, etc ... .

30 aug 2006

Het Nieuwsblad - Reclame begint te zingen

Vanaf dinsdag moet u niet schrikken als een reclameaffiche plots begint te zingen. De brouwerij Palm lanceert in bushokjes en gewone reclamezuilen affiches die muziek verspreiden. Volgens reclamebureau VVL/BBDO is dit een primeur in België.

Voor haar campagne om de authenticiteit van haar amberkleurig bier te beklemtonen, heeft de brouwerij acteur Wim Opbrouck kunnen strikken. Die heeft zelfs een liedje gecomponeerd dat hij in de reclamespots zingt. Dat nummertje weerklinkt vanaf dinsdag ook vanuit de reclamezuilen. Die staan in een aantal drukke winkelstraten, zoals de Antwerpse Meir, en ook in heel drukke bushokjes hangen de zingende affiches. De muziek is te horen tot vijf meter errond. Om niemand te irriteren is er telkens een minuut stilte tussen de halve minuut gezang van Wim Opbrouck.

Link to Het Nieuwsblad - Reclame begint te zingen


Talking about being innovative this idea certainly is!

A lot of people these days use flash disk or USB disk to put their data on: photos, videos, music, documents, etc. But the problem with these disks is that you cannot see from the outside if there is still space to put extra content on.

Now you have the flashbag! The size of this USB drive changes, I mean the physical drive itself blows up or shrinks, according to the amount of data you store on it. So it should be more or less clear from the outside if there is still enough space on the drive.

And they look cool as well, certainly the Sponge Bob drive is great!

Flashbag website.

13 aug 2006

PSP firmware 3.0

In my previous post you could read that I really like my PSP and I was dreaming of some applications for it. Now on PSPWereld they have posted some screenshots from the 3.0 firmware and they say they are real. Now what's new on 3.0 according to these pictures?
  1. Sony mail: an email account from sony?!
  2. Sony paint
  3. An alarm clock
  4. Sony organizer
  5. Writepad
  6. Sony music store connection for downloading music
  7. Hard disk - it seems that you can connect your PSP with an external HD

But still no VoIP or GPS ... .

8 aug 2006

My own PSP

Yep, finally I am the proud owner of a PSP. My wife bought it for me on E-Bay, thank you honey! I really must say I am very impressed by this device and the community around it.

I am not going to give you all the specs of the PSP, you can find that somewhere else on the Internet. But what I really must say is that the screen is incredibly good, you are really holding a small TV in your hands. And now I can play games wherever I want: in the living room, kitchen, toilet and even outside (although this one is hard in direct sun light).

The PSP is more than a portable game console, it's a small media center for playing games of course, but also looking at your favourite photos, watching movies - yes it is doable on the little screen - and listening to music.

Oh yes since it also has WiFi, so with the latest firmware upgrades you can surf the web, read RSS feeds, etc.

And now I am waiting on devices to extend my PSP - it has USB on it. I would like to use it as a Skype video phone or a GPS or an extender to windows media center or or .... . I think there are lots of thing you could do with it.

I mentioned firmware upgrades above. I looked for a way to upgrade using the memory stick, which I couldn't find in the manual. If you want to upgrade your PSP with the memory stick do the following:
  1. Create a the folowing directory structure in the root of the memory stick: GAME\UPDATE.
  2. Copy the firmware upgrade file into this directory.
  3. Go to the games menu, select memory stick and you will see an icon with your upgrade. Select it and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. After the boot proces, the new firmware will be available.

I am going to play right now ... .